Monday, November 11, 2019
Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Branded Milk Essay
Common application form for income schemes UTI ââ¬â Bond Fund UTI ââ¬â Floating Rate Fund STP (An open ended pure debt fund) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Regular returns for long-term l Investment predominantly in medium to long term debt as well as money market instruments l Low risk (Blue) (An open-ended Income Scheme) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Regular income over short-term l UTI ââ¬â Credit Opportunities Fund Investment in floating rate debt / money market instruments, fixed rate debt / money market instruments swapped for floatingratereturn Low risk (Blue) (An open-ended Income scheme) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Reasonable income and capital appreciation over long-term l Investment in debt and money market instruments across different maturities & credit rating l Low risk (Blue) UTI ââ¬â Gilt Advantage Fund LTP (An open-ended Gilt Scheme) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Long-term credit risk free return l UTI ââ¬â Dynamic Bond Fund (An open ended income scheme) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Optimal returns with adequate liquidity over medium-term l Investment in debt/ money market instruments l Low risk (Blue) Investment in sovereign securities issued by the Central Government and/ or a State Government and / or any security unconditionally guaranteed by the Central Government and / or a State Government Low risk (Blue) UTI ââ¬â G-SEC STP UTI ââ¬â Fixed Maturity Plan (An close-ended Umbrella Income Scheme comprising of several Investment Plans) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Regular income for short term l Investment in Debt/Money Market Instrument/ Govt. Securities l Low risk (Blue) 1 (An open-ended dedicated gilt fund) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Short term credit risk free return . l Investment in Central Government Securities, Treasury Bills, Call Money and Repo Low risk (Blue) Please read overleaf July 1, 2013 UTI ââ¬â Liquid Cash Plan (An open-ended income scheme) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Steady and reasonable income over shortterm with capital preservation. l Investment in money market securities & high quality debt l Low risk (Blue) UTI ââ¬â Monthly Income Scheme (An open-ended debt oriented scheme) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Regular income over medium-term l Investment in equity instruments (maximum-15%) and fixed income securities (debt and money market securities) l Medium risk (Yellow) UTI ââ¬â Mahila Unit scheme (An open-ended debt oriented scheme) This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Reasonable income with moderate capital appreciation over a long-term horizon l Investment in equity instrument (maximum-30%) and debt/ money market instruments l Medium risk (Yellow) UTI ââ¬â Short Term Income Fund (An open-ended income scheme) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Steady and reasonable income over short-term l Investment in money market securities/ high quality debt l Low risk (Blue) UTI ââ¬â MIS-Advantage Plan (An open-ended income scheme) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Long-term capital appreciation and regular income over medium-term l Investment in equity instruments (maximum-25%) and fixed income securities (debt and money market securities) l Medium risk (Yellow) UTI ââ¬â Treasury Advantage Fund (An open-ended Income Scheme) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Capital preservation and liquidity for short-term l Investment in quality debt securities/ money market instruments l Low risk (Blue) UTI ââ¬â Money Market Fund (An open-ended Money Market Mutual Fund) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Current income consistent with preservation of capital over short-term l Investment in short-term money market securities l Low risk (Blue) UTI ââ¬â Unit Scheme for Charitable & Religious Trusts & Registered Societies (UTI-C.R.T.S) (An open-ended income scheme) The product is suitable for investors who are seeking*: l Regular income over long-term l Investment in equity instruments (maximum-30%) and debt/ money market instruments l Medium risk (Yellow) *Investorsshouldconsulttheirfinancialadvisersifindoubtaboutwhethertheproductissuitableforthem. Note: Risk is represented as: (BLUE) Investors understand that their principal will be at low risk (YELLOW) Investors understand that their principal will be at medium risk (BROWN) Investors understand that their principal will be at high risk COMMON APPLICATION FORM FOR INCOME SCHEMES PLEASE FILL IN ALL COLUMNS IN CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY PLEASEUSESEPARATEFORMFOREACHSCHEME Sr.No. 2013/ Registrar Sr. No. (PLEASEREADINSTRUCTIONSCAREFULLYTOHELPUSSERVEYOUBETTER) DISTRIBUTOR INFORMATION (only empanelled Distributors/Brokers will be permitted to distribute Units) (refer instruction ââ¬Ëhââ¬â¢) ARN NameofFinancialAdvisor SubARNCode SubCode/ Bank Branch Code MOCode EUINo. @ UTI RM No. BDA / CA Code ARN ââ¬â 11770 E020436 UpfrontcommissionshallbepaiddirectlybytheinvestortotheAMFI/NISMcertifiedUTIMFregisteredDistributorsbasedontheinvestorsââ¬â¢assessmentofvariousfactorsincludingtheservicerenderedbythedistributor. @I/We confirm that the EUIN box is intentionally left blank by me/us as this is an ââ¬Å"execution-onlyâ⬠transaction without any interaction or advice by the distributor personnel concerned or notwithstanding the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by such distributor personnel and the distributor has not charged any advisory fees for this transaction. ( PleasetickandsignbelowwhenEUINboxisleftblank)(referinstructionââ¬Ëvââ¬â¢). Signature of 1st Applicant / Guardian Signature of 2nd Applicant Signature of 3rd Applicant TRANSACTION CHARGES TO BE PAID TO THE DISTRIBUTOR (Please tick any one of the below) (Refer Instruction ââ¬Ëiââ¬â¢) Existing Unit Holder information IAMAFIRSTTIMEINVESTORINMUTUALFUNDS ` 150willbedeductedastransactionchargesperSubscriptionof `10,000andabove OR Scheme Name: IAMANEXISTINGINVESTORINMUTUALFUNDS `100willbedeductedastransactionchargesperSubscriptionof `10,000andabove Folio Number: APPLICANTââ¬â¢S PERSONAL DETAILS F I R L S A T S M/s. M m I m D y D y L y E y * Denotes Mandatory Fields Name of First Applicant / Other Mentally Handicapped Persons (for UBF / MIS) and Adult Female Persons (For MUS) (as appearing in ID proof given for KYC) Date of Birth Mandatory for minors First Applicantââ¬â¢s Address (Do not repeat the name) Name & Address of resident relative in India(forNRIs)(P.O.BoxNo.isnotsufficient) Village/Flat/Bldg./Plot* Street/Road/Area/Post City/Town* State Pin* *PAN OF 1st APPLICANT (whose particulars are furnished in the form) Enclosed AADHAR CARD NO. Know Your Customer (KYC)* Acknowledgement Copy Please (ïÆ' ¼) PAN Card Copy OVERSEAS ADDRESS (Overseas address is mandatory for NRI / FII applicants in addition to mailing address in India) City* State Country* Zip/Pin* Mr. Ms. Mrs. NAME IN FULL OF THE FATHER (OR) MOTHER/ GUARDIAN (If Minor)$ / Contact Person And Designation ââ¬â For Institutional Applicants / Alternate Applicant ( incase of UBF / MIS / MUS) Proof of date of birth and proof of relationship with minor to be attached or else sign the declaration on the reverse ( Refer instruction f). OPTION FOR DESPATCH OF STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT Applicantââ¬â¢s address (for NRIs) At my Overseas address as mentioned above / To be despatched to my resident relativeââ¬â¢s address in India as given above DETAILS OF OTHER APPLICANTS Name of 2nd Applicant F I R *PAN of 2nd Applicant Name of 3rd Applicant F I R *PAN of 3rd Applicant PAYMENT DETAILS #Cheque/DD/ï ¶NEFT/ï ¶RTGS Ref. No. / Unique Serial No. (For Cash) Account No. Date Bank Branch Amt. in words Amt. of investment (i) DD Charges if any (ii) Net amount paid (i-ii) # Please mention the application No. on the reverse of thecheque/DD,NEFT/RTGSadvice.Cheque/DD must be drawn in favour of ââ¬Å"TheNameoftheSchemeâ⬠& crossed ââ¬Å"A/cPayeeOnlyâ⬠ï ¶ Investment amount shall be Rs. 2 lacs and above in case of payments through NEFT / RTGS. BANK PARTICULARS OF 1ST APPLICANT (MandatoryasperSEBIGuidelines) Bank Name Address City Account type (please ïÆ' ¼) Account No. Savings Current Pin* NRO NRE Branch MICR Code (thisisa9-digitnumbernexttoyourchequenumber) IFS Code (this is a 11-digit number) Received from Mr / Ms / M/s An application under alongwithCheque/DDNo.$ /Cash Drawnon(Bank) for `(infigures) $ Cheques and drafts are subject to realisation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (TobefilledinbytheApplicant) dated Sr. No. 2013 (scheme name) StampofUTIAMCOffice/ Authorised Collection Centre INVESTMENTDETAILS(Forââ¬Å"DIRECT PLANâ⬠Pleasetickhere UTI-BOND FUND UTI-MAHILA UNIT SCHEME UTI-CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES FUND UTI-MONTHLY INCOME SCHEME &tickScheme,Plan/Optiongivenbelow)(Referinstructionââ¬Ëjââ¬â¢) UTI-CRTS UTI-DYNAMIC BOND FUND Dividend Payout UTI-G-SEC FUND-(STP) Growth DividendReinvestment(Defaultââ¬âGrowthOption) UTI-FIXED MATURITY PLAN Yearly Series (YFMP) HalfYearlySeries(HFMP) Quarterly Series (QFMP) Regular Plan Growth Dividend Payout Dividend Reinvestment (Use separate form for each series) Cheque/DDshouldbedrawninfavourofUTI-FixedMaturityPlanââ¬âYFMP(mm/yy)/HFMP(mm/yy)/QFMP(mm/yy-PlanNo.)(Defaultââ¬âGrowthOption) UTI-FLOATING RATE FUND (STP) Regular Plan UTI-GILT ADVANTAGE FUND-LTP UTI-LIQUIDCASHPLAN- Institutional UTI-MIS-ADVANTAGE PLAN UTI-MONEY MARKET FUND Institutional Plan UTI-SHORT TERM INCOME FUND ââ¬â Institutional Option UTI-TREASURY ADVANTAGE FUND ââ¬â Institutional Plan Unitholding Option Growth Daily Div. Reinvestment WeeklyDiv.Reinvestment FlexiDividendPayout FlexiDividendReinvestment(Defaultââ¬âGrowthOption) Growth Plan Dividend Plan Payout DividendPlanReinvestment(Defaultââ¬âGrowthPlan) Growth MonthlyReinvestment Growth Plan FlexiDividendPlanPayout Daily Div. Reinvestment WeeklyDiv.Reinvestment Monthly Payout (Defaultââ¬âDailyDiv.Reinvestment) (Default Plan ââ¬â Growth Plan) Monthly Div. Plan Payout FlexiDividendPlanReinvestment Monthly Div. Plan Reinvestment Monthly Payment Plan Growth Daily Div. Reinvestment WeeklyDiv.Payout WeeklyDiv.Reinvestment(Defaultââ¬âGrowthOption) Growth Sub Option Growth Quarterly Div. Payout Div Payout Sub Option Div. Reinvestment Sub Option (Defaultââ¬âDiv.ReinvestmentSubOption) WeeklyDiv.Payout WeeklyDiv.Reinvestment Monthly Div. Payout Monthly Div. Reinvestment Daily Div. Reinvestment Quarterly Div. Reinvestment Annual Div. Payout Annual Div. Reinvestment Bonus Option (Defaultââ¬âDailyDiv.Option) PhysicalMode (AvailableunderallschemeexceptUTI-CRTS,UTI-MUS&UTI-FMP) Demat Mode DEMAT ACCOUNT DETAILS ââ¬â (Please ensure that the sequence of names as mentioned in the application form matches with that of the account held with any one of the Depository Participant. Demat Account details are compulsory if demat mode is opted above National Depository Name ______________________________________ Securities Depository DP ID No. Limited Beneficiary Account No. Enclosures: Client Master List (CMl) Central Depository Securities Limited Depository Name _______________________________________________________ Target ID No. TransactioncumHoldingStatement Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) FRIEND IN NEED DETAILS (refer instruction ââ¬â k) In case UTI MF is unable to communicate with me/us at my / our registered address, I / we authorize UTI MF to correspond with the following person to ascertain my/our updated contact details. Name Address: Relationship with the applicant (optional) Annual Income of First Individual Applicant (Please (ïÆ' ¼) STATUS Company Sole Proprietorship Society Body Corporate Others Email 5Lacs-15Lacs-25Lacs OCCUPATION Business Student Agriculture Self-employed Others GENERAL INFORMATION ââ¬â Please (ïÆ' ¼)whereverapplicable Resident Individual Minor through guardian HUF Partnership Trust AOP BOI FII NRI MODE OF HOLDING Anyone or survivor Joint Single First holder or Survivor (for UTI MUS) MARITAL STATUS Unmarried Married Wedding D D M M Anniversary Professional Housewife Retired Service NOMINATION DETAILS (Please ïÆ' ¼)(pleasesignifyoudonotwishtonominate) Name and Address of Nominee Name Date of Birth d d m m y (in case of nominee is a minor) Address with pin code I/WeherebynominatetheundermentionedNomineetoreceivetheamountstomy/ourcreditintheeventofmy/ourdeath.I/Wealsounderstandthatallpayments and settlements made to such Nominee and signature of the Nominee acknowledging receipt thereof, shall be a valid discharge by the AMC / Mutual Fund / Trustee. To be furnished in case nominee is a minor Name of the guardian Address of guardian Signature of Nominee / guardian (for minor) Sign. here Investorswhowishtonominatetwoorthreepersonsmayfillintheseparateformprescribedforthesameandattachitwiththisapplicationform. I/Wedonotwishtonominate Signature of 1st Applicant / Guardian Signature of 2nd Applicant Signature of 3rd Applicant DECLARATION AND SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT/s lI/WehavereadandunderstoodthecontentsoftheSchemeInformationDocument,StatementofAdditionalInformationandKeyInformationMemorandum,addendaissuedtilldateandapplytotheTrusteeofUTIMutualFundas indicatedabove.I/Weagreetoabidebythetermsandconditions,rulesandregulationsoftheschemeasonthedateofinvestment.I/Weundertaketoconfirmthatthisinvestmenthasbeendulyauthorisedbyappropriateauthorities in terms of all relevant documents and procedural requirements. lI/Wehavenotreceivednorbeeninducedbyanyrebateorgifts,directlyorindirectlyinmakinginvestments.lI/WeherebyauthorizeUTIMF/UTIAMCtosharemy data furnished in the Form to my distributor and other service providers of the UTI MF for the purpose of servicing, issue of account statement/consolidated statement of account etc and cross selling of
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